data dog and Quarterback- must have been a super zealous speaker at my mom's C.A.
Phizzy, two thumbs way up- it's inevitable.
Gingerbread, that was the attitude I experienced during my years as a witness.
Blondie, great motto!
hi all so my family had their c.a.
last weekend and my mother dropped this one on me, she'll now be treating me as a df'd person per info she received from a talk at the assembly.
apparently a fader should be treated as "bad association" given the fact they up and left the holy "truth" to splash around in vomit.. .
data dog and Quarterback- must have been a super zealous speaker at my mom's C.A.
Phizzy, two thumbs way up- it's inevitable.
Gingerbread, that was the attitude I experienced during my years as a witness.
Blondie, great motto!
i was a sister(tm).
i was only allowed to give talks to my householder.. you brother's(tm), all eyes were on you.. what was that like?.
did you enjoy it?.
What was that like?
It was nerve racking but at times quite enjoyable, I personally felt like a well versed speaker so for the most part my nerves didn't show and I knew what I was doing. I used a lot of illustrations and tried to keep the audience lively during my talks, especially the public ones. The topics always seemed kind of boring though and the outlines didn't seem to make much sense.
Did you enjoy it?
I did but it became a drag because many of the "responsible" dudes would bail so on many occassions I was called literally a few hours/days before to cover a public talk.
Do you miss it?
No, I remember once I'd discovered TTAT and was still giving them I felt like a was contributing to the poisoning of minds. I lost all love for that aspect of service and although I have fond memories of the parts/talks I gave I honestly regret every last one.
hi all so my family had their c.a.
last weekend and my mother dropped this one on me, she'll now be treating me as a df'd person per info she received from a talk at the assembly.
apparently a fader should be treated as "bad association" given the fact they up and left the holy "truth" to splash around in vomit.. .
Thanks everyone for the comments, it's been interesting reading what you all had to say. I remember the years I was active the inactive people were for the most part encouraged to come back- never isolated.
In response to black sheep:
"Why the vomit reference?
If you want to fade .... keep your trap shut and just fade. If you tell her why you are fading .... your chances of being shunned go through the roof."
I'm telling you what she told me, apparently in this talk the speaker compared faders to those who return to the "bad" as they abandoned the ways of the truth. Why not keep my trap shut and just fade? Because I like my family and my mother and when she asks me a question I respond truthfully although I might not like her reaction. I've done the same with the JW's that ask what hall I go to, it's not hard to tell them I'm inactive nor does it hurt.
I was simply surprised that at the assembly they addressed the issue and this particular speaker went so far as to say that faders should be avoided and my mother droned out and stepped in line. I could not recall an occasion during my service as a robot in which that kind of importance was placed on the isolation of faders- that's all.
Free2beme and scully I completely agree, thanks again everyone. Namaste!
hi all so my family had their c.a.
last weekend and my mother dropped this one on me, she'll now be treating me as a df'd person per info she received from a talk at the assembly.
apparently a fader should be treated as "bad association" given the fact they up and left the holy "truth" to splash around in vomit.. .
Hi all so my family had their C.A. last weekend and my mother dropped this one on me, she'll now be treating me as a df'd person per info she received from a talk at the assembly. Apparently a fader should be treated as "bad association" given the fact they up and left the holy "truth" to splash around in vomit.
Anyone heard anything similar recently?
whenever i talk to jw's, and even in some of the jw official videos, i detect a definite vibe of sadness coming off these people.. i am very sensitive to "atmospheres" and to peoples emotional state, you wouldn't think so, because more often than not i do not react to what i detect, i just let people get on with it.. but i do get this feeling that they are sad, probably because very, very, very deep down they realise that it is all false, maybe ?.
You're detection skills are spot on, a lot of them are sad because they live a life according to someone else. They have chosen to deprive themselves of decision making and gladly have accepted the ideas of others to guide them.
I was really sad when I was in because of this- it's uncomfortable to second guess yourself on everything.
in the spanish website extj one forum user shows evidence that on the 18th and 19th of september in chile the government calls to honor the nation displaying the national flag everywhere.
failure to do so is liable to a fine.
you can see the photos here:
haha, anything to avoid a fine- and by anything I mean allegiance to a worldy entity. Wow!
i just found out that a co-worker of mine is a ex-jw....she's being pressured to go back to the khall...she says everytime she goes to visit her family, they're telling her how jehovah still loves her...blah blah blah...thankfully she has her own apartment!.
i do see how her upbringing in the cult has affected her...she's soft and overly kind, but she's a real sweetheart...the down side: people take advantage of her.. should i tell her that i too am a jw and understands what she's going through with her family or should i just tell her that "spirituality is a personal thing and don't feel guilted into doing something you don't want" ect....the thing is, she talks alot and if i tell her that i'm suppose to be a jw, then the entire workplace will know.... what should i do?
my only aim is to have her not feel guilted in going back...she said her family has been trying to get her back in, but she's resisting it...the other issue, her son stays with her jw sister (she didn't disclose why)...and my co-worker tells me that her son is becoming a "jw convert".. please i need some advice!.
Hi kool jo, maybe she needs someone to hear her vent and that would be a great opportunity for you to express yourself. I feel both of your suggestions are great although there might be more power in letting her know you are/were a dub too, she'll have someone to relate too. Anyways, those are my thoughts- hope you're able to help her out
But as you mentioned you might not want your other co-workers to know, option 2 would be better. Just swing someway where she can relate but doesn't expose you to anyone. i.e. "I can really relate as my family is really religious too but I've decided to go this route because it's personal. I can't serve a God or not serve based on anyone else...."
fyi just saw her latest youtube vid.
Good points on her vid but I sense a lot of hostility. Take it easy, breathe a little, and eff the rest.
(1) did it cause you to leave sooner than you might have, otherwise.. (2) it didn't bother you enough to do anything about it.
hey, we are all imperfect.. (3) did you want to prove you were better than they, and nothing they could do or say, was going to stumble you.. (4) they stumbled me, probably as much i stumbled them.
we all know it's an old boy's club and we are not going to tell on each other.. loislane.
For me it was a heavy mixture of #'s 1-3 although I do admit 4 might have been in there too at times because I know for sure I might have messed some people up with my ignorance (for that I'm eternally sorry).
#3 was what kept me in longer than I should have stayed, I wanted to prove that the fakers wouldn't affect my boulder-like faith. Inevitably though the lies and scandals seeped through and I reached the tipping point and bounced. The hypocrisy is what made me feel that the jw's could not be the one true religion.
i'm tired of hearing people grovel before their "benevolent" creator.. recently i was listening to a jw relative express regrets over their rebellious life-style when they were young.
then came that phrase:.
"i'm so greatful for jehovah's undeserved kindness and that he can accept me with my sinful past.".
It makes them feel important that the Almighty took a step back from wrath and sprinkled a little undeserved kindness on their lowly servant heads.
Undeserved kindness: